Monday, September 23, 2013

1st Class!

Kailaq (K-eye-lack) a.k.a. Kai for short, went to his first class Sunday! The class we are taking is a preparatory class for the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test. This is a prerequisite for the training necessary to become a certified Therapy Dog. Kai lost focus about half way through the class, and decided to ignore most of my commands (unless I had a treat of course.)

Meet Kai!

Kailaq (K-eye-lack) or Kai for short, is a Border Collie/Australian Shepherd  mix. He is about 7 years old with a “go with the flow” personality. The best things in the world for Kai are belly rubs and playing fetch with his tennis ball. With his lovable personality and relaxed demeanor, he has the makings for an excellent therapy dog. Therefore, I have decided to create the “Sit, Stay, Heal” Project to document progress and my experience.