Thursday, October 17, 2013

Behind the Scenes

Kai and I have made trips to a variety of places for some practice in the real world. We have come across many people (adults, children, and everyone in between) who have wanted to meet Kai. Of course I made Kai sit down beforehand, just to get into the habit and to evaluate how well he behaves outside of the classroom. He was on his best behavior and not once did he break from his training! Needless to say, this is a cause for celebration.
I have also trained Kai on a new command "Stop" (though it is not required for the CGC test.) He caught on after only a few times of me repeating it. By saying "stop" and immediately saying "sit," he began to associate "stop" to mean stop moving and sit down until said otherwise. This goes to show just how powerful verbal cues really are when training.

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